Friday, February 24, 2023

Compensation from Royal Mail

Compensation From Royal Mail: When And How To Use It Effectively For Your Business?

Every company wishes to have optimised communication. No organisation sends out a message wishing it never reaches its audience. It is crucial for postal communications because of the time it takes and the nature of the material they send.

door to door mail drop delivery

Nonetheless, postal mail is often prone to delay or inaccurate delivery without optimisation, and it’s only sometimes the business’s fault. The good news is that there is compensation from Royal Mail for any mistakes the postal service provider makes.

But, most businesses need to learn the basics for filing a claim for Royal Mail compensation, and this article aims to rectify that problem. Here, we discuss everything you need to know about getting compensation for your business mailers.

When Can You Apply For Compensation From Royal Mail?

Royal Mail offers one of the most secure ways to send postal mail for your business and personal correspondence. But, every system is flawed, and even Royal Mail may sometimes fail to deliver from time to time. Fortunately, business organisations and individuals can access compensation from Royal Mail in case of failed delivery fulfilment.

However, you still get compensation from Royal Mail whenever it fails to make a delivery. There are specific cases or scenarios when Royal Mail deems it necessary to pay compensation to its customers.

You are entitled to compensation from Royal Mail in the following situations or scenarios.

  • Delayed delivery
  • Failure to obtain the recipient’s signature
  • Damaged item or property
direct mail operations

Royal Mail Compensation For Delayed Delivery

Delivery Delay is one of the common reasons to file for a Royal Mail Compensation claim.

However, not all delivery delays qualify for compensation because of some basic requirements. Your business mailer is eligible for compensation due to delivery delay only if it meets certain conditions.

The following Royal Mail products are eligible for compensation from Royal Mail in the case of delayed deliveries.

  • 1st class stamped mail
  • 2nd class stamped mail
  • 1st class Royal Mail Signed For mail
  • 2nd class Royal Mail Signed For mail
  • Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm
  • Articles or mailers for the blind

Your 1st and 2nd class mailers are only eligible for compensation under Royal Mail’s retail policy if it’s from a VAT-exempt account. Another condition for availing compensation from Royal Mail is that the delivery fulfilment must not use any other postal operator. Only Royal Mail must handle your mailers from the moment they leave the hands of the sender to the final delivery to the recipients.

However, the mailer is eligible for compensation from Royal Mail if the postal operator uses Royal Mail to send an item. In such cases, the postal operator becomes the sender, and the standard conditions for compensation apply to them.

When Can You Get Compensation From Royal Mail For Delayed Deliveries?

Your business mailer is eligible for compensation under certain conditions defined by Royal Mail. It states the exact delay in delivery time for which you can get Royal Mail compensation for delayed delivery.

Delivery Delay Without Royal Mail Redirection

You can apply for Royal Mail compensation if the mailer is undelivered three working days past the due date. However, this time limit does not apply if the mailer uses a Royal Mail Redirection Service.

Delivery Delay Compensation For Royal Mail Redirection

You can expect a longer delivery if the mailer you send uses a Royal Mail Redirection service. As you know, the redirection service involves redirecting or forwarding the mail to a new address which may take additional time. In this case, you can apply for compensation from Royal Mail only after a minimum of six working days past the due date.

Delivery Delay Compensation For Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed By 1 pm

With a Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm, you can apply for Royal Mail compensation after just 24 hours past the due date. Moreover, you can get substantial delay compensation if Royal Mail fails to deliver or make a delivery attempt seven days after the due date.

It is worth noting that this substantial delay compensation from Royal Mail differs from standard refunds. It would be best to remember that there can be an additional delay period for your mailers during Christmas and New year time.

The additional delay period is two (working) days for Royal Mail’s redirection services. Fortunately, this does not apply to Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm. It means you can get compensation from Royal Mail for delivery delays even if you post it during Christmas and New Year.

When Are You Not Eligible For Royal Mail Compensation For Delayed Deliveries?

You are only eligible for compensation from Royal Mail for delay if the mailer reaches its destination. But you still have the option to get compensation for losing your mailer. Similarly, your business can only claim for timely delivery if it involves damaged items.

The compensation for loss or damage to mailers is different from delivery delay compensation. However, suppose the mailer arrives late with damage or part loss. In that case, you may be eligible for compensation from Royal Mail for delayed delivery and damage/loss.

But it’s best to go through the damage or part loss policy before claiming compensation from Royal Mail for your mailers.

What Is The Delay Period For Claiming Compensation From Royal Mail?

The delay period for claiming compensation from Royal Mail can change depending on the postal service you use. Use the following table to determine the delay period for different mailing services offered by Royal Mail.

Royal Mail Postal Service Delay Period For Claiming Compensation
1st class stamped mail. Minimum 3 working days (after the due date.)

(Minimum 6 working days for Redirected Mail)

2nd class stamped mail. Minimum 3 working days (after the due date.)

(Minimum 6 working days for Redirected Mail)

1st class Royal Mail Signed For mail. Minimum 3 working days (after the due date.)

(Minimum 6 working days for Redirected Mail)

2nd class Royal Mail Signed For mail. Minimum 3 working days (after the due date.)

(Minimum 6 working days for Redirected Mail)

Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm. Minimum 1 working day after the due date.

It is worth noting that the definition of “working days” can also change from one postal service to another. For example, the working days for Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm include any day that isn’t a public holiday, Sunday or Saturday. But Saturdays are a working day for claiming Royal Mail compensation if you purchase a Saturday guarantee service.

What Is The Royal Mail Compensation Claim For Delayed Deliveries?

An essential question about Royal Mail compensation is likely what is the compensation amount for delivery delays. Use the table below to determine the standard payment for delivery delays for different Royal Mail services.

Royal Mail Postal Service Standard Royal Mail Compensation Royal Mail Substantial Delay Compensation
All retail mailing services(including redirection service.) Book of 1st Class Stamps Not Available
Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm. £5 £10

Essential Evidence For Claiming Compensation From Royal Mail For Delivery Delays 

There are some fundamental pieces of evidence you must provide Royal Mail when filing for a delivery delay claim. You must submit a list of the necessary evidence to claim compensation from Royal Mail, including the following details.

  • Names of the claimant, sender, and addressee.
  • Addresses of the claimant, sender, and addressee.
  • Type of Royal Mail service or product used for the mail.
  • The place and date of posting.
  • Proof of the posting date, such as the postmark, posting certificate, and letter date.
  • Product documentation for Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm.
  • The date of delivery and proof for the same.
  • The postage method, such as stamps.
  • The postage amount you paid.

Besides the essential evidence you see above, you may have to provide additional proof to claim compensation from Royal Mail. Typically this includes providing a written statement that contains all the necessary information for the claim and the claimant’s declaration. Royal Mail may also require an explanation to support the information you provide them.

Royal Mail Compensation For Loss

Another common reason to claim compensation from Royal Mail is the loss of the mailer. The addressee receives the mailer for delayed deliveries even past the due date. In claim compensation for loss, the addressee never receives the mailer.

All Royal Mail products eligible for delayed delivery compensation are also suitable for claim compensation for the loss of mailers. You can claim  Royal Mail compensation for the following products or types of mailing services.

  • 1st class stamped mail
  • 2nd class stamped mail
  • 1st class Royal Mail Signed For mail
  • 2nd class Royal Mail Signed For mail
  • Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm
  • Articles or mailers for the blind

You must use a VAT-exempt account to send your mailers as you do for delayed delivery compensation. Royal Mail must complete the entire mail fulfilment process if you want to claim Royal Mail compensation for lost mailers.

When Are You Not Eligible For Royal Mail Compensation For Loss?

Your mailers do not automatically qualify for compensation from Royal Mail for loss if it fails to deliver the mail within a specified period. Following are some instances where a mailer does not qualify for compensation for loss of mailer.

Contrary Evidence 

Typically, you can claim compensation from Royal Mail for the loss of a mailer after ten working days for standard Royal Mail products. In the Guaranteed by 1 pm service, you may file a claim for loss after five working days from the due date.

But if any evidence contradicts your claim for loss, you can not get compensation. Hence, it is best to check your mailer’s status with the postal service provider before claiming compensation from Royal Mail for loss.

Successful Delivery By Royal Mail 

Sometimes Royal Mail may deliver the mailer after ten (working) days (5 working days for Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm). If that happens, you can not claim compensation from Royal Mail for loss. However, you can file a claim for delayed delivery. And if you receive the mail with that damage, you can file a separate damage claim too.

What Is The Waiting Period For Claiming Compensation From Royal Mail For Loss?

One of the most crucial things for effectively claiming compensation from Royal Mail for loss is knowing when to file the claim. The sooner you file the claim for loss, the sooner you can get claim compensation. But, file for compensation claim too early, and Royal Mail will reject your claim for loss. Use the following table to determine how to file a compensation claim efficiently.

Royal Mail Postal Service Waiting Period For Claiming Compensation
1st class stamped mail. Minimum ten working days (after the due date.)
2nd class stamped mail. Minimum ten working days (after the due date.)
1st class Royal Mail Signed For mail. Minimum ten working days (after the due date.)
2nd class Royal Mail Signed For mail. Minimum ten working days (after the due date.)
Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm. Minimum five working days (after the due date.)

Here also, the working days are calculated similarly to the way we discussed in the case of Royal Mail compensation for delivery delays.

What Is The Royal Mail Compensation Claim For Loss?

To claim compensation from Royal Mail for loss is to file the claim within 80 calendar days from posting. Royal Mail will not accept any claims you file after this time limit and has no legal obligation to do so. In other words, any legal liability the postal service provider has on your mail ends after 80 days.

According to Royal Mail, you must file a claim for loss as soon as possible so that it can make the necessary enquiries regarding your mail. Both the sender and recipient can claim compensation from Royal Mail for loss. But if both parties file the claim, only the sender will receive compensation from the postal service provider.

Both parties must provide the same information or evidence for processing the claim. Generally, you can expect a reply for the Royal Mail compensation claim for loss within 30 calendar days. And if Royal Mail cannot finalise the compensation claim, it will contact you with an update during this period.

All Retail Royal Mail Service Except Special Guaranteed Service

The Royal Mail compensation claim for loss is slightly more complex than the claim for delayed deliveries. Royal Mail splits the claim for loss for standard retail services into three different categories, and they are as follows.

  • Items or mail with no intrinsic value.
  • Items or mail with inherent value but with only essential evidence.
  • Items or mail with intrinsic value with basic and additional evidence.
Intrinsic Value And Evidence Royal Mail Compensation
Items or mail (with no intrinsic value.) 6 First Class letter stamps.
Items or mail with intrinsic value but with only essential evidence. 6 First Class letter stamps.
Items or mail with intrinsic value (with primary and additional evidence.) A standard postage refund and compensation that matches the actual loss of the customer. The maximum payable is £20 or the item’s market value (whichever is lower).

Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed By 1 pm

The Royal Mail compensation for loss of Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm includes a full fee refund. Besides that, you also receive claim compensation depending on your actual loss. Here, the value of substantial compensation is the lowest among the maximum compensation you purchase or the item’s market value.

Evidence For Claiming Compensation From Royal Mail For Loss

The primary evidence you must provide Royal Mail for a loss claim is the same as the essential evidence for delivery delays. Besides that, you may need to provide additional evidence for Royal Mail compensation, including the following.

  • A certificate or proof of posting
  • A Horizon certificate or proof of posting
  • Original receipt of the item
  • Bank/credit card statement
  • Invoices
  • PayPal records
  • Auctioneer’s valuation
  • Manufacturing or repair costs
  • And more.

Royal Mail Compensation For Damage Or Part Loss

With Royal Mail, you can also claim any damages or part loss to your mail. The same standard postal services we discussed in the case of delayed deliveries and loss of mail are eligible for this claim too. It means you can request claim compensation from Royal Mail for the following postal services.

  • 1st class stamped mail.
  • 2nd class stamped mail.
  • 1st class Royal Mail Signed For mail.
  • 2nd class Royal Mail Signed For mail.
  • Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1 pm.
  • Articles or mailers for the blind.

You can get Royal Mail compensation for damage or part loss if your mailer could get damaged while in the custody of Royal Mail. Moreover, the damage should reasonably compromise the mail item. In other words, your item must be free from any physical wear must exist before mailing your item to access the compensation.

When Are You Not Eligible For Royal Mail Compensation For Damage Or Part Loss?

You can not access Royal Mail compensation for damage or part loss in the following situations.

  • Any cosmetic damage to the mailer’s packaging or envelope.
  • Improper packaging does not protect the content of your mail from regular transit.
  • Lost items (but you can access compensation for loss in this case.)
  • Damages to the content of the mail before handing it over to Royal Mail.

What Is The Royal Mail Compensation Claim For Damage Or Part Loss?

Like Royal Mail compensation for loss, you must file a claim within 80 calendar days of posting the item. The intrinsic value of the item and evidence play a crucial role in determining the claim value of your item.

All Retail Royal Mail Service Except Special Guaranteed Service

Intrinsic Value And Evidence  Royal Mail Compensation
Mail with no intrinsic value. 6 First Class letter stamps.
  6 First Class letter stamps.
Mail with intrinsic value with basic and additional evidence. The maximum payable is £20 or the item’s market value (whichever is lower).

Royal Mail Signed For service’s maximum claim value is £50.

Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed By 1 pm

The compensation for Guaranteed service for damage and par loss is the same as the one we discussed for the claim for loss. It includes a fee refund and a Royal Mail compensation depending on your loss.

How To Use Direct Mail Automation To Avoid Damage, Loss, Or Delays To Your Mail?

Accessing Royal Mail compensation for your business mailers should ideally be your last resort. The best business communication or marketing approach is accurately delivering the mailer on time. And the best way to do this is to use PostGrid’s direct mail automation tool.

Our advanced direct mail API enables businesses to ensure accurate delivery of their mailers. As a result, you can consistently deliver your mail on time. Moreover, our automated solution uses the best quality papers and secure handling to minimise damage. It ultimately leads to effective business communication and fewer Royal Mail compensation claims for your business.

There are numerous benefits to modernising and automating direct mail for your business. It can even help with minimising Royal Mail compensation claims. Some of the capabilities that PostGrid offers that can help streamline your business mailing operations include the following.

CRM-Based Personalisation

PostGrid’s direct mail automation software can connect seamlessly with your CRM solution. It can then use the data from your CRM to print accurate addresses onto your mailers. By doing so, our tool allows you to ensure valid and standardised addresses streamlining the delivery process. With fewer delays due to address errors, you don’t have to waste valuable time on Royal Mail compensation claims.

Bulk Mailing

Our address automation tool also supports bulk mail capability. It allows you to use a CSV file for sending personalised bulk mail for your business. PostGrid’s bulk mailing services will enable you to send thousands of business letters in a single go without any manual errors. It allows you to send many letters accurately and avoid needing Royal Mail compensation claims.

Additional Features

PostGrid’s direct mail automation software has numerous features that optimise your mailing process. Some other attractive features of PostGrid that can help your business minimise the number of Royal Mail compensation claims include the following.

  • Access to mailing history
  • Standard mail tracking
  • Barcode tracking
  • Template gallery and editor
  • Advanced security compliances, including GDPR

Want to avoid the lengthy process of applying for compensation from Royal Mail and optimise your mailing process with direct mail automation? Sign up for PostGrid’s automated solution now!

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The post Compensation from Royal Mail appeared first on PostGrid UK.



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