Thursday, March 16, 2023

Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Attract Today’s Healthcare Consumer

The 10 Best Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Boost Patient Acquisition and Retention

Do you want to boost patient influx in 2023 and improve your brand reputation? A robust healthcare marketing plan can help engage existing and new patients—to generate higher revenue and expand your business!

But how to start with healthcare advertising strategies?

You can begin by identifying your goals and setting a plan of action. But we agree it is easier said than done!

We have compiled this guide to help you get some ideas, allowing you to engage your patients and prospects effortlessly.

Let us begin!

What Is Healthcare Marketing?

There is no specific definition to explain healthcare marketing because it is a mixture of several processes. It refers to strategic and systematic outreach and correspondence to acquire and retain patients. These methods also include guiding patients through their medical care journey and delivering high-quality services!

Many refer to healthcare advertising as the tools and systems professionals and institutions use to

  • Employ effective marketing plans to drive engagement. 
  • Deliver valuable content to patients and other stakeholders. 
  • Improve patient experience and satisfaction. 
  • Promote new services for cross-selling to existing consumers. 
  • Build brand loyalty. 
  • Increase creditworthiness and authenticity. 
direct mail operations

Why Is Adopting an Effective Healthcare Marketing Strategy Significant?

Patients now compare the market to private healthcare more often than before! They check prices, reviews, and ratings over the internet while selecting a suitable medical provider. Word-of-mouth publicity also plays a broad role in patient acquisition because people trust the testimonials they hear from their families and friends.

Your healthcare marketing strategy helps shape these reviews and ratings! You can transform the way patients perceive your brand.

Tap Your Nearest Market

Many patients might travel long distances to visit a trustworthy provider. So why not advertise locally first? It helps inform people of your organisation, helping them get the necessary treatment effortlessly. 

Local marketing plans enable you to reach everyone in your neighbourhood or locality. You may ensure they know about your organisation and its services! Try sending out direct mail postcards or distributing flyers in nearby areas. 

Such healthcare advertising campaigns help you boost local patient acquisition. So, the next time people residing around your institution need medical care, you are their first choice!

Set Yourself Apart from the Competition

Patients have hundreds of healthcare options, allowing them to avail medical care at their fingertips. So why should they select your organisation?

The answer lies in the value you provide to your patients and your differentiating characteristics!

A healthcare marketing plan allows you to define your differentiating factors and promote them to relevant audiences! It lets you connect with people 1:1 and communicate your offer.

Form Emotional Bonds 

Forming emotional connections with patients is essential to increase brand loyalty and retention! Systematic and thoughtful healthcare advertising helps you engage patients regularly and be a part of every life stage.

For example, you may send birthday wishes to your patients to make them feel special. It also shows you care about them and want to celebrate crucial life milestones!

Improve Brand Image

The right healthcare marketing plan can help you form long-term relationships and a healthy brand image! It allows you to increase recognition and recall rates among people!

Your healthcare marketing agency may suggest integrated campaigns to engage people across several channels and maintain consistency.

10 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Help You Acquire and Retain Patients

Deploying an advertising program is not a one-off process. It needs proper planning and persistence! We have enlisted the best strategies to get and retain new patients for years. 

#1 Analyse the Market Dynamics

Understanding your market and listing your patients’ requirements is critical to your brand’s success. 

Your healthcare advertising plan’s first step should be analysing competition and setting clear goals.

Many upcoming or new medical institutions are creating more buzz than older organisations. You can give credit to social media, the changing industry dynamics, and a well-curated healthcare marketing campaign!

To get there, start with conducting a SWOT analysis! Understand why patients should stick with your brand and highlight these factors. 

You can also check your competitors’ strategies to identify their strengths. Determine whether you are lacking some aspects and take corrective measures!

Then, understand and accept your weaknesses. Are you short of staff members? Is your staff yet to compile an accurate patient database to boost your healthcare advertising efforts?

Accepting these facts can help you improve them and rebrand your services! 

The next step is to spot growth opportunities within the sector to give you a headstart with your healthcare marketing plans! Try to stay updated about the recent trends and grab them before another organisation.

Moreover, try filtering the threats to your brand. There may be a new hospital coming up in the neighbourhood. Or driving high traffic to your website could be puzzling! These aspects can reduce acquisition and retention rates, making it essential to spot and rectify them. 

#2 Offer Consistency

Did you ever notice the degrading quality of a brand over the years? 

Yes! Patients notice the changes in their healthcare provider’s medical care quality and consider switching to a different organisation. Hence, your topmost healthcare marketing must consist of steps to maintain quality throughout your business.

Imagine your appointment booking time is 2 minutes! Once a patient calls your landline to book a consultation, the entire process completes within this time frame. In this case, your healthcare marketing agency may suggest you reduce the time. It indicates you respect your patients and provide speedy services. 

Also, consider how well your staff treats your patients and guides them to your office. These small things signify your service quality. 

Your healthcare advertising plan must focus on these aspects and drive you to offer similar services in the future. Remember that every small change is noticeable and can make or break your brand.

Try using effective CRMs to manage healthcare marketing and administrative tasks properly. These systems are in-built to help your staff maintain productivity and consistency! They offer many features, like online appointment scheduling, automated reminders, e-prescriptions, 24×7 live chat support, cost management, etc.

#3 Use Direct Mail Healthcare Marketing

Direct mail is one of the oldest and most successful marketing channels healthcare organisations can employ! It helps them break down complex medical terms and conditions for their audience. Shipping informational and custom postcards, letters, newsletters, etc., enables them to provide value to patients and motivate them to visit. 

Ensure your healthcare advertising plans comprise direct mail to contact your prospects offline. With overflowing inboxes and social media ads, this channel helps offer people a break from the digital clutter. It is memorable and emotional, allowing your organisation to develop a genuine, long-term network.

Try adding engaging images and headlines to keep your audience hooked. You can also include compelling healthcare advertising CTAs and offers to encourage recipients to respond immediately. Here are some examples:

  • Visit our website now to unlock a free consultation session. 
  • Scan the code and get 10% off your treatment. 
  • Call us now to book a visit at your nearest clinic!

If you feel healthcare marketing is complex, start with direct mail! Moreover, you may automate your mailing campaigns with PostGrid. Our direct mail API helps you draft and print your marketing items effortlessly. You can place your orders online, and PostGrid completes all the tasks on your behalf.

Our solutions also help distribute your healthcare marketing mail items to your prospects list. Thus, you can execute your campaigns at low costs without disrupting your internal functions or wasting time.

#4 Evaluate the Most Successful Healthcare Marketing Channels

Your healthcare marketing agency can help you find the best combination of advertising channels. You have several options like email, social media, online banners, PPC, billboards, TV advertising, etc.

Try evaluating the performance of different channels to see what works best for you. You can combine three to five platforms and conduct an integrated healthcare marketing campaign.

For example, combine direct mail, social media, and email! It is a classic combination of online and offline channels to give you the best of both worlds! But ensure your campaigns sync properly to reinstate your healthcare marketing message and drive more responses.

Combined marketing programs help you reach people of all age groups. They allow you to increase visibility and brand awareness, getting more patients to visit your clinic or hospital.

PostGrid helps you integrate direct mailing into your marketing CRMs. These integrations make conducting an omnichannel healthcare advertising campaign quick and painless. You can fetch crucial patent data in seconds and use it to your advantage. Please include the same headlines, CTAs, and graphics to help audiences remember your brand and act on your offers.

#5 Personalise Your Correspondence

Personalisation is advantageous to healthcare firms in many ways, including

  • It makes people feel valued. 
  • It helps grab the reader’s attention. 
  • It makes people respond to your offers more proactively. 
  • It adds a personal touch to your healthcare marketing communications.
  • It allows you to generate a higher ROI. 

These benefits help your organisation grow and succeed, making personalisation a crucial tool in your healthcare marketing mix! Personalise your message across every channel to make the most of these platforms.

Generic ads can only communicate your offer to patients. But personalised messages guarantee higher responses and engagement. They allow you to strengthen doctor-patient relationships and spread awareness. 

PostGrid’s direct mail services enable you to send personalised healthcare marketing mailers. You may add numerous variables based on your requirements using our automated solutions within minutes.

For example, imagine you want to target and re-engage existing patients. You can include details about when they first visited you to remind them of your treatment and care over the years!

Also, personalise your healthcare advertising emails by changing the subject lines for every patient. Try being friendly and upfront with your audience to bridge the communication gap and encourage them to connect with you.

#6 Make Your Website the Centre of All Healthcare Marketing Plans

Patients compare the market of private healthcare using the organisation’s website. Try tying all your marketing channels and correspondence to your official website. 

High-quality and user-friendly websites help optimise the patient’s journey. They can visit your page for multiple reasons, like getting your contact number, checking your services, finding a specialist, etc. Ensure these details are readily available to reduce bounce rates and improve acquisition!

You may mention your website link on all healthcare marketing channels or ads. For example, you can add this link to your emails, social media accounts, direct mail items, banner ads, etc. Try redirecting your audience to your website, where they can read more information before deciding anything.

Your healthcare advertising plans can succeed if you take patients from the top of the funnel to the bottom. And your website plays a crucial role throughout this process. It makes new prospects aware of your institution and motivates them to visit you. Also, it allows existing patients to receive updates about your new services, doctors, fee structure, etc.

Websites are a primary location for your SEO-driven healthcare marketing blogs and other content forms. People can derive immense knowledge through them, encouraging them to stick with your brand. Ask them to fill out their contact details or subscribe to your e-newsletter. It helps you compile an accurate and effective mailing list without buying data!

#7 Manage Patient Ratings and Reviews

Nearly 42% of people read online patient reviews before consulting doctors. It indicates that the impact of patient feedback is widespread and critical. Thus, managing online reviews should be one of your primary healthcare marketing strategies to maintain your reputation and retain patients.

Deploying reputation management as a part of your healthcare advertising plan helps you learn from negative feedback and incorporate new methods to improve. It prevents you from losing valuable patients because of a bad experience and allows you to take corrective action.

You may ask your long-term and loyal patients to leave an online review under your healthcare advertising plans. Seeking feedback is the best way to spot issues and work on them before patients leave a negative rating. 

While replying to online comments, remember to be empathetic and polite. Try guiding patients who leave negative reviews to contact you personally. It shows you are ready to resolve your patient’s issues instead of being defensive. 

Your healthcare marketing program should address your patient’s requirements and deliver what they need. Try going through your comments on every channel and draft a report, allowing you to bring the necessary changes within your organisation.

Always remember to thank people who appreciate your services publicly. Express your gratitude and show them that their feedback matters.

You can send healthcare marketing postcards or letters with custom QR codes using PostGrid. They redirect patients to your websites or other platforms where they can drop a comment. It helps you collect and manage reviews systematically and boost your image. 

#8 Use Video Marketing

Video healthcare marketing enables you to express your message appealingly to attract more people. Leverage your Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts to share your videos and engage your targeted prospects.

The UK has 35.6 million YouTube users, making it one of the most commonly-used platforms. You may create several video types that address your patients’ concerns and highlight your services as the relevant solution!

Add links to your YouTube videos on your social media bios and healthcare advertising items. For example, you can print a personalised QR code on your direct mail postcards that take recipients to your latest video. It helps your audience get in-depth information about your company through helpful and educational content.

Here are some ideas for your reference:

  • How-to videos: You may create how-to tutorials on topics like how to buy health insurance, how to find a specialist near you, how to control diabetes, etc. Many patients actively search for these subjects, helping you appear on their search pages and expand your healthcare marketing efforts.
  • Explanatory videos: Patients struggle to find the meanings of several medical terms or diseases. You can record your doctors discussing these topics in simple terms for a general audience. These healthcare advertising videos are easy to create, helping you save money and time. But they are very effective and can drive followers to your account. 
  • Patient testimonials: You may record your existing patients as they speak of their experience with your organisation. Ask them to share details about their treatment and how they would rate your services. These videos add to your credibility and help your healthcare marketing plans be successful.

#9 Digitise Everything

Patients no longer want to visit your clinic to book an appointment or always pay in cash. They want multiple options for every step, from scheduling their visits and making payments to checking their prescription. Many patients also prefer having online consultation sessions to save time and effort. 

It makes sense to use digitalisation as a critical healthcare marketing strategy in today’s modern era. Patients appreciate organisations offering convenience and flexibility, causing many healthcare providers to modify and digitise their functioning.

Digitisation helps you offer a seamless patient experience. Try mapping your patient’s journey across your healthcare advertising channels and communication methods. Note the steps people take to reach your organisation after the first interaction. Then, find digital alternatives to replace manual effort with digital!

#10 Provide Patient-Centric Services

Medical care institutions can ensure their healthcare marketing plans work by providing patient-centric solutions. Treat patients with respect and gratitude, and make them comfortable enough to share their health history.

You can take many steps, like being attentive during a patient consultation, asking questions, encouraging them to share details, etc. Instruct your reception staff always to be humble and helpful because they meet the patients first.

You can use healthcare advertising to promote your patient-centric services. Try to showcase different patient interactions and the bonds you create during the treatment. 

How Does PostGrid Help Your Organisation Employ Effective Healthcare Marketing?

You can use PostGrid’s direct mail solutions in three ways- API integration, dashboard, and automation software. Our services ensure all institutions can benefit from print and mail marketing without the extra legwork.

One of our healthcare industry clients uses PostGrid to send medical documents to patients, including

  • Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
  • Physical and mental health records
  • Prescriptions
  • Discharge summaries
  • Post-discharge instructions
  • Patient statements
  • Invoices
  • Insurance documents and forms

PostGrid helped the client with their healthcare marketing strategies in several ways. First, it enabled them to send promotional postcards and letters to the correct addresses. Our solutions also helped them add advertising messages to their medical documents.

For example, our client always includes a promotional offer on every patient statement and invoice. They also add their brand name and logo to turn their documents into advertising collateral. This 2-in-one healthcare marketing program allows them to save costs and increase visibility.

Recently, the client needed to ship 5,000 mailers simultaneously. They used our direct mail API to draft their items using our pre-built templates and add customisations with the template editor. Our reputed network of printers helped offer impeccable printing solutions, ensuring high quality and appeal.

This medical organisation printed and shipped more than 18,000 healthcare marketing items and documents with PostGrid during the past six to seven months. Here are the key features they used:


Drawing up healthcare marketing strategies that suit your requirements can help you attain your goals faster. They have several benefits, like engaging patients, increasing creditworthiness, and creating a worldwide reputation.

We hope this blog helps you draft and execute a successful healthcare advertising plan. You can combine your strategies or add other programs to create the ideal marketing mix! Remember to distribute your budget evenly and function within a specified framework to maintain consistency and produce the desired results.

PostGrid’s direct mail solutions let you conduct affordable, trackable, and result-bearing mailing campaigns. Click here to learn more about healthcare marketing and how PostGrid assists you throughout the process!

automate direct mail

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The post Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Attract Today’s Healthcare Consumer appeared first on PostGrid UK.



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