Tuesday, April 4, 2023

What Does Unable to Attempt Delivery Mean

Royal Mail “Unable to Attempt Delivery”: What Is It and How to Solve it?

Let us start this blog by sharing a fact- Royal Mail has a database of 29 million UK addresses and 1.8 million postcodes! It delivers countless items to these locations daily.

But, what does this mean for you?

Well, it indicates that your mail items are part of a massive mailing volume for Royal Mail. And you may see the Royal Mail – “unable to attempt delivery” status on your tracking page for some items.

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Now, this status appears when postal workers face a hindrance when delivering mailers to recipients. They resolve the issue in a few hours or days. Or send the items back to their origin!

This blog covers- “What does unable to attempt delivery mean?”

We will also discuss the primary reasons this message appears on your tracking status and how to deal with it. 

Let us begin!

What Does Unable to Attempt Delivery Mean Royal Mail?

A delivery attempt signifies that a postal carrier tried to deliver a mail piece to an addressed recipient. It can be successful or unsuccessful based on the recipient’s availability and address validity.

But many senders see the Royal Mail- “unable to attempt delivery” message.

So why does this message appear?

It appears when a carrier cannot deliver an item to the addressee. The reasons can vary from inaccessibility to natural calamities.

These situations can hamper your shipping processes and delay orders. Thus, learning the meaning of “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail is critical to preventing these issues.

Typically, Royal Mail workers reattempt delivery the next day. If the recipient is still unavailable, they leave a notice to inform them of their incoming mailer.

The intended recipient can take the slip to the local postal outlet and retrieve their mail. They must carry a valid ID, helping Royal Mail to know they are the concerned recipient.

Once the recipient gets the package, the status changes from “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail to “delivered.” But there can be many other delivery updates in between based on different situations.

direct mail operations

Why Do Companies Face the Royal Mail “Unable to Attempt Delivery” Issue?

Planning a direct mail advertising campaign has many steps, like designing items, printing, and shipping. Also, one of the primary steps includes tracking your mail pieces.

Senders must try learning- What does being unable to attempt delivery mean?

It lets them stay updated and communicate with customers to resolve potential issues.

If an item status remains the same for too long, they can contact Royal Mail via call or email.

Here are the primary reasons you may see the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” message:

Incorrect Address

Writing invalid mailing addresses on your mail items can lead to delivery failures. It can cost you time, effort, and money because you may need to reship the mailers after Royal Mail returns them.

These delivery failures can tarnish your brand reputation and worry your customers. It is best to inform your customers about an upcoming delay whenever you see the “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail status. Keeping them in the loop shows you are accountable and care for your audiences.

Or you can avoid this trouble from the start by cross-checking your delivery addresses. PostGrid’s direct mail services help you plan effective campaigns and ship items to the correct recipients.

We help clients cleanse, format, and verify mailing lists before every campaign, ensuring they prevent the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” update.

PostGrid ensures your addresses are free from misspellings, typos, capitalisation, formatting, and other issues. It assists Royal Mail in identifying target locations and processing mail items faster.

Unable to Access the Mailing Location

Many companies asking- “what does unable to attempt delivery means,” have an access-related problem. Their customers’ addresses might be in unserviceable areas. Or some other factors created a problem, restricting the carrier from reaching the

delivery location.

You may see the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” message after the carrier returns from your address without dropping the item. They could not access your property for the following reasons:

  • Your house or office was locked.
  • The postal employee could not find your mailing address.
  • A road accident or other event blocked the delivery route.
  • There is ongoing construction in the neighbourhood.
  • The addressed recipient was unavailable.

PostGrid’s direct mail solutions help you keep tabs on all sent items. You may view the Royal Mail tracking numbers and check your mail status.

Our direct mail API lets you accurately print and mail orders without questioning- What does unable to attempt delivery mean, Royal Mail?

Clients can add missing postcodes, street names, or other mailing address elements to their lists with us. PostGrid helps companies create and access high-quality databases for accurate shipping.

Users that get a delivery failure slip can contact Royal Mail to reschedule delivery. They can reschedule mail arrivals or pick up the items from the Post Office. It lets them better deal with- What does unable to attempt delivery mean?

Item Left With Agent

The Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery – left with agent” status helps recipients know the carrier did not drop their items. Instead, they left the mail pieces with a local agent to reattempt delivery after a few hours or the next day. It happens when the recipient is unavailable to collect mail or some other issue stops the postal worker from delivering the mailers.

Large Packages

If your mail volume is too large, the carrier cannot fit the item in the recipient’s mailbox. In these scenarios, they can leave the mailpiece at a secure location around your address, like on the porch. Or they return it to the Post Office, changing the delivery status to “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail, for recipients to learn the issue.

Signed Shipping Options

Sending letters or other items using Signed For 1st Class and 2nd Class needs the carrier to get the recipient’s signature during mail delivery. If the addressed recipient is absent, they must return the mailers to the Post Office.

The Post Office changes the status of these items, making it critical for businesses to understand- What does unable to attempt delivery mean?

Bad Weather Conditions

The Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” message can appear when the Post Office stops deliveries because of unfavourable weather.

It changes the status to “in transit” when conditions improve.

PostGrid’s direct mail solutions let you ensure 99.99% deliverability ratios. Thus, if your customers see this tracking update, they can get their mailers within a few hours or days.

What Is Your Delivery Attempt Rate?

Record your delivery attempt rate to know your performance when sending your marketing and other mail items. For example, imagine postal workers must make at least two attempts to deliver your marketing items to prospects. It means your mailing list has some accuracy issues or other problems.

The “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail message guarantees that the mail carrier will revisit the location to drop off the items. But seeing this tracking update often can affect your business.

So how to calculate the delivery attempt rate?

You can use this formula: Total completed deliveries/ Total delivery attempts x 100.

Imagine the Post Office updating the tracking status to the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” for 400 items out of 1,000. Your delivery attempt rate is

400/ 1,000 x 100 = 40%.

The apt delivery attempt rate for businesses is 90 to 95%. If your percentage is lower, you may see the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” update more often.

You can integrate PostGrid’s print and mail API into your website or CRM to eliminate these problems. Our zero-code integrations allow you to prepare compelling mail items and send them to accurate destinations.

Why Is Completing Deliveries During the First Attempt Critical to Your Success?

Delivering your mailers during the first attempt enables you to maintain healthy customer relationships.

Fulfilling deliveries within the estimated arrival time (EAB) helps strengthen customer connections. It lets you highlight your high-quality client service.

When customers get their orders on time without getting the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” status, they believe that

  • You keep up with your service standards.
  • You are a reliable brand for quick and hassle-free orders.
  • You care for your target audience’s expectations and needs.

Not updating your databases frequently can lead to delivery failures, pilling up customer complaints. PostGrid can help you prevent learning “what does unable to attempt delivery mean” and accurately ship mail items.

Getting the “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail message can lead to losses for many businesses. Imagine convincing a client for weeks to buy your products and delaying an order.

Your deliverability rate sets the tone for client relationships and makes or breaks deals.

What Happens When Royal Mail Fails to Deliver Your Items?

After getting mail returns, the first thing the Post Office does is change your tracking status. It updates it to “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail to inform you of the delay with the reason.

Royal Mail workers reattempt deliveries one or two times more. The number of delivery attempts depends on the mailing location, shipping service, and other factors.

Deliveries to rural areas are tricky. Since the carriers find it challenging to reach these places, they only attempt delivery once.

Then, they send the item to the nearest Post Office, waiting for the recipient to come and pick up the parcel. Until the task completes, the tracking page shows the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” message.

Please note that Royal Mail only holds your items for 18 days before returning or discarding them.

If you want to save time and ship your items quickly, PostGrid can help you! Our 2-business day SLA enables you to design and print marketing and transactional without wasting time. Thus, you need not inquire- What does unable to attempt delivery mean, Royal Mail?

What Can the Intended Recipients Do After Receiving the Missed Delivery Notice?

Your recipients can take many steps to collect their items from the Post Office or instruct it to reattempt delivery. Here are some examples of what they can do after seeing the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” message”:

Leave Delivery Instructions

If recipients are away from home or the office, they can leave specific instructions for postal workers. They can ask the carriers to drop their mailers at a neighbour’s house or in the mailbox near their porch.

Delivery instructions allow recipients to get their items hassle-free after seeing the “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail update.

Reschedule Delivery

Senders and receivers who know “what does unable to attempt delivery means” can prevent delivery failures and redirect the mailers.

The best option is to reschedule deliveries to another day when the addressed recipient can collect the items. It ensures mail integrity and successful delivery attempts. Also, it enables postal workers to save time by preventing additional rounds to check whether the recipient is present.

Visit the Post Office

Recipients can visit the Post Office, the carrier mentioned in the missed delivery notice. They can show a valid ID and get their mail items instantly. It is the most time-saving way of changing the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” message to “delivered.”

PostGrid’s direct mail solutions allow businesses to track their campaign progress from start to finish. Hence, they can spot issues beforehand and take the necessary steps to avoid learning- what does unable to attempt delivery mean by Royal Mail?

Challenges to Complete Deliveries On First Attempts

Though first-attempt deliveries are preferable, achieving them is puzzling. The biggest challenge is to manage exceptions, like bad weather, damaged packages, and absent recipients.

Businesses have little control over these situations. They make it tricky to learn “what does unable to attempt delivery means” and handle these issues.

Managing these exceptions is daunting and needs manual input. Thus, they lead to shipping delays and customer dissatisfaction.

Another challenge after seeing the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery’ update is—returns management. Royal Mail can return or discard your mail if the recipient refuses delivery or does not collect their items. It wastes your postage and causes many discrepancies.

Ensuring on-time and accurate mailings can also hamper your print and mail processes. Businesses must invest in resources and equipment to launch mailing campaigns in-house.

The in-house activities can result in errors, leading to the “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail message.

PostGrid strives to eliminate these problems for businesses of all sizes and specialities. Our direct mail automation services let you send on-demand and bulk mail without technical expertise!

How Much Does a Delivery Failure Cost Businesses?

Understanding “what does unable to attempt delivery means” and resolving the issues is essential for senders. It helps their business prevent delivery failures and save money.

Delivery failures can cost a company a fortune if its mailing volume is high. It has to bear the production and shipping costs, resulting in low ROI and a negative brand image.

But PostGrid can help you skip these situations. You can use our automation software or API integrations to prepare, print, and mail your items without questioning-

What does unable to attempt delivery mean?

Tips to Increase Your First-Attempt Delivery Rate?

At PostGrid, we meet many clients who want to learn how to handle the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” tracking update.

We help them transform their mailing processes using our address verification and on-time shipping features. 

Here are some tips to improve your deliverability rates:

  • Check senders’ details beforehand: One of the most effective ways to prevent the “unable to attempt delivery” Royal Mail message is to ensure accuracy. Cross-check your mailing lists before sending items to avoid mail returns. We understand it is hectic to verify your lists in-house. Thus, PostGrid offers advanced address validation capabilities to modify customer addresses and make them mail-ready. 
  • Track your mail: Checking your delivery statuses frequently lets you take corrective action before a problem occurs. 
  • Be proactive: If customers connect with you with a shipping concern, resolve their issues immediately. 
  • Automate your campaigns: An online print and mail campaign ensures better results than in-house programs. They also help you stop dealing with “what does unable to attempt delivery mean” and focus on your business. 

Please remember that some factors are uncontrollable! Thus, you cannot always avoid the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” status. Often, the Post Office solves these problems promptly without your intervention. Waiting for a few days to let the carrier reattempt delivery is advisable. 

And you can always rely on PostGrid’s direct mail services to initiate your mailings online quickly and affordably!

More About Executing Successful Mail Deliveries With PostGrid

Our direct mail API allows you to plan and launch result-driving campaigns! You can fulfil your goals without

  • Worrying about how to solve the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” problem,
  • Looking for a designer to create your letter or postcard templates,
  • Negotiating prices with local printers, 
  • Instructing your staff to complete manual tasks,
  • Turning your office space into a direct mailing facility, 
  • Buying high-end equipment and investing in perishables. 

A direct mailing campaign can produce high response rates of up to 60%. But conducting this program can take a toll on your marketing budget and resources. 

Also, finding the answer to “what does unable to attempt delivery mean Royal Mail” is puzzling. It takes hours to track individual items, affecting your productivity.

PostGrid combines all the above-listed needs and problems into one advanced solution- automated direct mail

It helps you 

  • Customise artwork: You can upload your design or create one with our pre-built templates. Our solutions also provide an editor to let you fill out your postcards and letters with variable data
  • Compile mailing lists: Create targeted mailing lists, allowing you to send tailored mailers with high results. PostGrid enables you to select your intended geo-demographics to avoid generic mailing and guarantee better performance. 
  • Address verification: Our address verification API lets you cleanse, reformat, verify, and update your customer records. You can prevent the Royal Mail “unable to attempt delivery” update and assist postal workers in fulfilling orders immediately. 
  • Campaign reports: Download your program analytics to see how you can improve or what works best for your business. PostGrid lets you access all files by logging into your account!

Sign up to learn more about “what does unable to attempt delivery mean” and how PostGrid adds value to your mailing campaigns!

automate direct mail

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The post What Does Unable to Attempt Delivery Mean appeared first on PostGrid UK.

source https://www.postgrid.co.uk/what-does-unable-to-attempt-delivery-mean/

source https://postgridunitedkingdom.blogspot.com/2023/04/what-does-unable-to-attempt-delivery.html

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